Current Affairs Hindi Magazine


Subscribe to Current Affairs. Current Affairs is a bimonthly print magazine of politics and the arts. Each issue is crammed to the gills with insightful analysis and.

Why a New Magazine on Current Affairs? IAS aspirants are virtually overwhelmed with choices during their preparation years.

So why bring out another magazine in an ecosystem buzzing with so many magazines? Well, here is the answer summarized in points: ■ We aim to be like no other magazine in the market. We want to help the UPSC CSE aspirants clear the examination and for that provide the best material that could be produced, researched, written and edited. We have an eye on excellence, not on competition.


If we are good and helpful for your preparation, we will sell and get famous in no time. ■ What does the UPSC CSE want from candidates in the Preliminary, Mains and Personality tests? That is our focus. We want to follow the UPSC in letter, mind, spirit and provide the students with the best study material directly relevant and useful for the examination.

When you write the 200-word answer in your GS Mains papers, your answer should reflect rich information and knowledge gained from a reading of our magazine and your writing style should be sharp and analytical enough (an art, we hope to pass to you) to impress the UPSC examiner when you critically ‘analyze’ or ‘discuss’ or ‘give arguments’. When you see the question paper in Preliminary examination, Mains exams (and even others exams with a focus on current affairs), you should feel happy and confident for having regularly bought and read Drishti Current Affairs Today.

When you appear in the Personality Test at the Dholpur House after a long stint of hard and tiring work, you should be beaming with confidence and not shaking in fear because you read our magazine which prepared you well in time on all aspects of the examination. We strive to produce such content for lakhs of UPSC aspirants who are struggling to find their feet in Delhi or in a small town or village across the length and breadth of India. Tall order, hmm? Stay with us and we midwife you to success from the concrete society of Mukherjee Nagar or Mysore or Munger to the queen of hills ‘Mussoorie’ where the Lal Bahadur Shashtri Academy of Administration (LBSNAA) shall welcome you. ■ Our focus is NOT to provide you with knee-jerk, Ctrl+C / Ctrl+V material from the web or copied from other source which is the unwritten norm in the UPSC coaching and publication industry. We strive to read, research, brainstorm, think, write, edit material (articles, current affairs, preparation strategies, mock papers, subject supplements, miscellaneous preparation inputs) tuned to CSE preparation at various levels—Preliminary, Mains and Personality Test. There is no scarcity of material for the CSE preparation; you are swimming (read drowning) in information already.

There is a scarcity, however, of the right material and more importantly of the right intention in publications. We have an in-house team of aspirants and experts who apply their minds to figuring out UPSC’s. Quality control, examination application, exhaustive information in plain English and dedicated team for research are some of our ingredients to produce a companion for thorough examination preparation. Drishti has built a name for itself among the Hindi student community; it is time we proved our utility to English medium student community and we are confident we will be of immense use to your preparation. ■ The idea is to give you a magazine that will cover all dimensions that the UPSC or a UPSC examiner (who is an academic or a subject expert) after decades of experience with the subject could think of and would want in an answer of the UPSE CSE in Mains, Preliminary or Personality Tests. ■ We don’t want to confuse you with scholarship, academic weight and flowery English.

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We strive to provide information in plain English. We will keep things simple, as far as possible. Exam usability is our aim. Teamwork, expertise and quality check is geared to achieve that for your success. All the best to you. Remember, it is out attitude more than our aptitude that determines our altitude. Mussoorie is located at about 1880 metres from the sea level—a height you will reach with hard work, dedication and most importantly character.

Don’t forget this magazine: we will give you reliable company as you prepare to scale that height. Other Payment Options:- Cash Deposit at the Drishti Office.

August महीन शुरु है, और इस महीने बहुत ही महत्वपूर्ण महत्वपूर्ण परीक्षाए तथा Interviews होने को है, आज हम आपके लिए महीने के शुरु होते होते प्रत्येक महीने की मासिक पत्रिका उपलब्ध कराते रहते है, जिससे की पढाई मे बेहतरीन दिशा मिल सके तो आज हम बहुत ही विख्यात और प्रचिलित Coaching द्वारा जारी Mahendra Guru Mahendra Coaching द्वारा जारी August Mahendra Current Affairs Monthly Magazine PDF मे लेकर आए है, जिसे और दोनो भाषाओ मे प्राप्त कर सकते है हिन्दी तथा English उपलब्ध पत्रिका को डाउनलोड करने के लिए नीचे दिए गए Button की Help से प्राप्त करें।. इन्हे भी देखे:.

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